A Best Glance in DHU (Defect per 100 unit) in Towel


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Definition of DHU:

DHU, or Defects per Hundred Units, is a quality metric commonly used in manufacturing to quantify the number of defects in a batch of products. It gives an understanding of the production quality by normalizing the number of defects across batches of different sizes, enabling easier comparison and tracking of quality performance over time.

The Calculation Method of Defect per 100 unit :

To calculate the Defect per 100 unit for towel defects, follow the steps below:

Identify Total Defects:

Count the total number of defects found in the batch of towels that has been inspected.

Total Checked Pieces:

Determine the number of towels checked. This is your sample size from the AQL from which the defects have been identified.

DHU Formula:

Use the below formula

DHU = (Total Defects / Total Checked Pieces) * 100

This will give you the number of defects per hundred units (in this case, towels).


The resulting figure represents the average number of defects per one hundred towels inspected. For instance, a Defect per 100 unit of 5 means that there are on average 5 defects for every 100 towels checked.

Example Calculation of DHU:

Suppose you have examined 500 towels and found 20 defects. Using the formula above:

DHU = (20 defects / 500 towels checked) * 100 = 4 DHU

This means there are 4 defective towels for every 100 towels inspected, indicating the defect level within the sampled batch.

Use of DHU in Quality Control:

Monitoring the Defect per 100 unit over time helps a manufacturing unit assess their quality control measures. If the DHU decreases, it suggests an improvement in production processes or the effectiveness of quality assurance. If the Defect per 100 unit increases, it could indicate a problem or lapse in the manufacturing process that needs attention.

By focusing on Defect per 100 unit, manufacturers of towels and other textile products can ensure that they not only keep defects to a minimum but also strive for continuous improvement in their manufacturing standards.

Application of Defect per 100 unit:

The textile and apparel production industry is built on the foundations of quality and precision. Towel manufacturing, in particular, requires stringent quality checks to ensure that the final product meets high standards. The Defects per Hundred Units application serves as a technologically advanced solution to monitor the ratio of faults throughout the towel production process. Below is an overview of the Defect per 100 unit application and its key features.


The primary purpose of its application is to enable quality control teams to assess and monitor the defect ratio effectively in towel manufacturing. It acts as a real-time tracking system that provides valuable insights, into the production quality, allowing manufacturers to swiftly address issues, enhance overall product quality, and sustain customer satisfaction.

Real-time Faults Monitoring:

Continuous Surveillance:

The Defect per 100 unit application provides continual monitoring of the production line, detecting any deviations in quality and flagging faults as they occur.

Automated Tracking:

 Employing automated tracking mechanisms to ensure accuracy and reduce the reliance on manual quality inspection processes.

Fault Minimization Aid:

Targeted Solutions:

By identifying consistent fault patterns, the application aids in pinpointing specific areas of the manufacturing process that require improvement.

Strategic Improvements:

Recommendations and data-driven strategies provided by the Defect per 100 unit application can help reduce the overall fault ratio over time.

Hourly Updates:

The DHU application delivers hourly reports on, the ratio of faults, enabling a timely response to quality issues.

Dynamic Analysis:

This feature allows teams to observe peak times for defects and adjust production parameters accordingly.

Quality Maintenance Tool:

Quality Assurance:

With its extensive data insights, the Defect per 100 unit application assists in maintaining high-quality standards for towel production.

Historical Comparison:

Tracking the historical data of fault ratio, affords an opportunity, to measure improvements and maintain high-quality benchmarks.


The Defect per 100 unit application stands out as an indispensable tool for towel manufacturers who prioritize quality assurance and efficiency. By providing real-time monitoring, insightful analytics, and practical strategies for fault minimization, the application not only supports immediate quality control efforts but also contributes to long-term product excellence. Quality teams equipped with the Defect per 100 unit application are better prepared to uphold high standards and deliver consistently fault-free towels to their customers.

Frequently Asked Questions on Defects per Hundred Units:

How can a company reduce its Defect per 100 unit?

Companies can reduce their Defect per 100 unit by implementing strict quality control measures, training employees on quality standards, investing in better raw materials, using advanced manufacturing technologies, and regularly maintaining equipment. Continuous monitoring and analyzing the sources of defects can also help in taking corrective actions to reduce Defect per 100 unit.

Does a low Defect per 100 unit automatically mean high-quality?

A low Defect per 100 unit indicates fewer detected defects and hints at high quality. However, it may not capture all aspects of quality such as product durability or aesthetic appeal. Therefore, while a low DHU is a positive indicator, it should be considered alongside other quality assessments and customer feedback to evaluate the overall quality.

Why is DHU important in the textiles and garments industry?

Defect per 100 unit is crucial because it provides a clear indicator of the manufacturing process’s quality. A high Defect per 100 unit indicates more frequent defects and signifies potential issues in production, material quality, or workforce performance. Conversely, a low DHU suggests better quality and fewer customer returns and complaints, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

What is DHU?

DHU stands for Defects per Hundred Units. It is a metric used to measure the quality in the textile, apparel, garments, and towel manufacturing industries. This metric allows companies to track and analyze the frequency of defects found in their products to ensure quality control.

Is Defect per 100 unit the only quality metric used in the industry?

No, Defect per 100 unit is one of many quality metrics used in the industry. Others include Yield, which measures the amount of good quality product versus the total product produced, or the Customer Return Rate, which provides insights into product quality from the customer’s perspective. The key is to use a combination of metrics that best represent the areas of quality that are most critical to the business.

Can Defect per 100 unit be applied to different types of products?

Yes, while Defect per 100 unit is often used in the context of textiles, apparel, and related products, its principles can be applied to any manufacturing process where tracking the number of defects per a set number of units produced is beneficial for quality control.

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